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Monroe County League of Women Voters Records

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: 2014-006

Scope and Content Note

The Monroe County League of Women Voters records, 1920-2013, are composed of photographs, reports, study outlines, lists, financial records, correspondence, newspaper clippings, pamphlets, and other papers, documenting the League’s membership activities, voter services, programs of study, and actions taken primarily during 1932-1943. The work of the League operates on all three branches; therefore, records also include documentation on the state and national Leagues.

Series 1: Administrative and financial records is comprised chiefly of membership information, including membership lists and meeting minutes; financial documents, mostly the sales of war bonds; and a history of the league and commemoration of its fiftieth anniversary. Series 2: Correspondence, arranged chronologically, ranges in topics from League announcements, convention planning to proposed legislations. Series 3: Rochester Public Library contains documents that cover League advocacy for a central library, planning and location, and commemorative materials. Series 4: Social welfare is composed of study groups and actions taken on issues such as a federal food stamp plan, child labor laws, and affordable healthcare. Series 5: Schools and education contains proposals and projects for an array of educational concerns, including improved vocational school programs, reorganization of school districts, federal aid, and board of education elections. Series 6: Civil Service concerns League efforts for improvements to the Civil Service law, as well as a campaign advocating a woman for the position of Civil Service Commissioner. Series 7: Government and public administration covers research, proposed projects, and support for various local, state, and national political policies. Also included in this series are documents concerning the fight for women jurors, and the League’s support of the “Battle of Production” campaign. Series 8: Elections is composed of an array of election material including voter’s guides, reports, voting instructions, and election calendars. Series 9: Photographs, assembled by Claire Tuttle in November 2006, document a range of League activities such as voter information booths, voting machine demonstrations, interviews with candidates, discussion groups, ceremonies and events.


  • Creation: 1920-2013
  • Creation: 1932 - 1943


There are no restrictions regarding access to this collection.


Permission to publish, reproduce, distribute, or use in any current or future manifestations must be obtained in writing from the Rochester Public Library Local History & Genealogy Division.

Historical Note

The League of Women Voters (LWV) is a civic organization founded in 1920 by prominent suffragist Carrie Chapman Catt shortly before women won the right to vote. Although the League initially began for the purpose of educating women on carrying out their new responsibility as voters, it was quickly revised to provide service to all citizens. The LWV is a non-partisan organization and does not endorse candidates for office; however, it does provide information on candidates as well as take stands on political issues. The two main ways the LMV accomplishes its goals are through voter services activities and programs. Voter services promote informed and active participation in government by assisting with voter registration, publications, and providing information on election laws and procedures. Program committees, composed of League members select political issues for study, such as education, housing, or voter rights. Findings are discussed at monthly meetings called “League Days,” and action is taken through an array of activities including writing letters, communicating with legislators, and through public statements. The structure of the LWV operates on three levels: a national league, a state league, and a local league.

The local Monroe County league, which remains active today, was established in 1924. Initially known as the League of Women Voters of Monroe County, it was renamed the League of Women Voters of the Rochester Metropolitan Area in 1968. Since its inception, the League has researched and taken action on several social and political concerns in Monroe County including employment, education, housing, and government. In the late 1940s, the League revealed slum conditions in Rochester, previously thought to be nonexistent, and petitioned the City Council for the creation of a housing authority, later established in 1955. During the 1930s, New York State law prohibited women from serving on juries. The League took on this fight by staging a mock trial, which demonstrated women's capabilities as jurors and led to a 1937 amendment to the law. Following this change, the League established jury schools, performed a state-wide skit called “The Woman Juror Goes to Court,” and published the “Blue Book for Jurors” The League’s interest in education led to the 1950s formation of a non-partisan organization called the Rochester Area Educational Television Association (RAETA) that would acquire and run an educational television channel. Additionally, the league strongly advocated the need for a central library, built in 1936, and was instrumental in the replacement of a 43-member Board of Supervisors to a 29-member county legislature.


3.5 Cubic Feet (4 boxes)

1.2 Cubic Feet

2.0 Cubic Feet

Language of Materials



The Monroe County League of Women Voters records document a local organization established in 1924 to promote informed and active participation in government. The collection includes photographs, reports, study outlines, lists, financial records, correspondence, newspaper clippings, pamphlets, and other papers, documenting the League’s membership activities, voter services, programs of study, and actions taken primarily during 1932-1943.


The collection is organized into nine series: Series 1: Financial and business records, 1920-2006; Series 2: Correspondence, 1920-1996 (bulk: 1934-1937); Series 3: Rochester Public Library, 1927-1943; Series 4: Social welfare, 1931-1974 (bulk: 1935-1941); Series 5: Schools and education, 1929-1962 (bulk: 1935-1940); Series 6: Civil Service, 1936-1941; Series 7: Government and public administration, 1932-1951 (bulk: 1932-1943); Series 8: Elections, 1935-2013; Series 9: Photographs, 1950s-1980s.

Custodial History

The collection was donated in 1944. All materials after this date were not part of the original collection.

Separated Materials

320.9747 M753m Monroe County League of Women Voters scrapbooks (12 v.) were most likely included in the original 1944 deposit but were removed and placed in the scrapbook collection.


  • League of Women Voters of the Metropolitan Area. How It Has Grown!: A History of the League of Women Voters of the Metropolitan Area, 1924-1969. Rochester, N.Y.: League of Women Voters of the Rochester Metropolitan Area, 1969.
  • League of Women Voters of the Rochester Metropolitan Area. “The League of Women Voters in Rochester New York.” Accessed February 17, 2014.
  • League of Women Voters Rochester Metro. Member Handbook, 1984-1985. Rochester, N.Y., 1984.
  • National League of Women Voters. Principles and Policies. Washington, D. C., 1936.
  • Monroe County League of Women Voters. Bulletin--Monroe County League of Women Voters. Rochester, N.Y., Monroe County League of Women Voters, 1937-1960 (published monthly). Periodical.
  • The Voter. Rochester, N.Y.: League of Women Voters/Rochester Metro, 1969-2005. Periodical.
  • League of Women Voters of Monroe County (N.Y.). Your County, Monroe and the Government Within It. [Rochester, N.Y.?] 1963. Rqr352 M7532L 1963
  • Monroe County League of Women Voters scrapbooks. [1931-1943].Rqr320.9747 M753m v. 1Rqr320.9747 M753m v. 2Rqr320.9747 M753m v. 3Rqr320.9747 M753m v. 4Rqr320.9747 M753m v. 5Rqr320.9747 M753m v. 6Rqr320.9747 M753m v. 8Rqr320.9747 M753m v. 9Rqr320.9747 M753m v. 9ARqr320.9747 M753m v. 10Rqr320.9747 M753m v. 10ARqr320.9747 M753m v. 11

Processing Information

Processed in March 2014 by consulting archivist Maria Soscia. This project was made possible by a grant from the Documentary Heritage Program of the New York State Archives, a program of the State Education Department.

The League of Women Voters Rochester - Photo Album, formerly cataloged as Rfr324.623, has been integrated into the collection.

Guide to the Monroe County League of Women Voters Records
Maria Soscia
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
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This project was made possible in part by a grant from the Documentary Heritage Program of the New York State Archives, a program of the State Education Department.

Repository Details

Part of the Local History & Genealogy Division Repository

115 South Ave.
Rochester 14604 USA
585-428-8353 (Fax)