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Rochester Municipal Archives Deposit

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: 2023-001

Scope and Contents

The Rochester Municipal Archives Deposit consists of materials on deposit with the Local History & Genealogy Division of the Rochester Public Library by the Rochester Municipal Archives. As such, these materials have not been accessioned by the Rochester Public Library; the library provides them with an appropriate preservation environment and access point. The deposit consists of fragile ledger books containing records from multiple City of Rochester departments, including the Fire Department, City Court, Board of Health and Bureau of Police. They range from court dockets to meeting minutes, with the single largest component of the deposit consisting of record books from early fire companies. Materials in the deposit date between 1827 and 1934, with the bulk dating from the 19th century.


  • Creation: 1827-1934

Conditions Governing Access

There are no restrictions regarding access to or use of the collection.

Conditions Governing Use

Permission to publish, reproduce, distribute, or use in any current or future manifestations must be obtained in writing from the Rochester Public Library Local History and Genealogy Division.


64 Volumes (63 volumes (ledger books) and 1 bundle of fire company rosters, wrapped in buffer paper and tied.)

Language of Materials



This collection consists of 63 volumes and 1 bundle arranged in 5 series:

Series I: Fire Department

Sub-Series A: Fire Companies
Sub-Series B: Other Fire Records

Series II: City Court

Series III: Bureau of Police

Series IV: Board of Health

Series V: Other

Immediate Source of Acquisition

The contents of the this collection are on deposit from the Rochester Municipal Archives & Records Center. They were placed at the Rochester Public Library due to the library's ability to house them in an archivally appropriate environment.

A Guide to the Rochester Municipal Archives Deposit
Brandon Fess
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
Script of description
Code for undetermined script
Language of description note

Repository Details

Part of the Local History & Genealogy Division Repository

115 South Ave.
Rochester 14604 USA
585-428-8353 (Fax)