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Tim Sally Papers

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: 2024-059

Scope and Contents

This collection consists of the personal papers of Tim Sally, a grassroots LGBTQ+ and human rights activist originally from Rochester, New York. The materials in this collection cover Sally's activism for LGBTQ+ rights in the 1980s and 1990s, including his work with Dignity-Integrity, Family and Friends of Gays in Rochester (FFG/R), AIDS Health Project in San Francisco, California, and multiple National Marches for Lesbian and Gay Rights, including his volunteer work for the Inaugural Display of the Names Project AIDS Quilt on the Washington Mall and his arrest for an act of civil disobedience outside the Supreme Court Building in 1987. The collection also covers Sally and his husband Bernd Vey's decade-long struggle for legal recognition of same-sex marriage and LGBTQ+ immigration rights. A smaller portion of the collection includes personal papers, academic papers, and conference presentations covering Sally's work for the National Organization to Halt the Abuse and Routine Mutilation of Males (NOHARMM) under his alias Tim Hammond. Sally is the recipient of an AIDS Rochester service award, an AIDS Rochester plaque, a Vinny Cup tropy, and a Dignity/San Francisco Co-Chairs Award. The materials date between 1956 and 2022, with the bulk of the materials dated between 1979 and 2016.

Audiovisual materials in the collection include audio recordings of Tim Sally discussing his work with Dignity-Integrity Rochester and local HIV/AIDS patients in the 1980s and a video recording of Tim Sally and Sue Cowell on the television program AM Rochester on June 30, 1980, discussing a recent episode of the Phil Donohue Show featuring two gay men who wanted to attend their senior high school prom as a couple. Digital materials include digitized files of the audio recordings and photographs. Newspaper clippings and periodicals in the collection include articles featuring Sally's activism work (Series I) and a substantial grouping of newspaper clippings relating to the campaign for marriage equality in San Francisco and California between 2004 and 2008.

Scope and Contents

Warning: This collection includes materials that contain homophobic and sexually graphic discriminatory language against LGTBQ+ individuals in Series II (Folder 1:12). Additional materials may contain slurs and negative stereotypes relating to sexuality. Papers relating to circumcision may contain images containing non-sexualized nudity of adult and infant males.

Language/Terminology note: This finding aid uses creator-supplied language throughout the collection that may be outdated, inappropriate, or derogatory to viewers. The processor has retained the original description of the materials so viewers may understand the full historical context of the materials' creation.


  • Creation: 1957-2022

Conditions Governing Use

Copyright is held by the Rochester Public Library. Copyright of the papers may be held by the authors', or authors' heirs or assigns. Researchers must obtain written permission of the holder[s] of copyright and the Rochester Public Library before publishing quotations from materials in the collection. Most papers may be copied in accordance with the library's usual procedures unless otherwise specified.

Biographical / Historical

Born and raised in Rochester, Tim Sally was active in the 1970s and 1980s with Dignity-Integrity, and was a co-founding member of PFLAG/Rochester and AIDS/ Rochester. In 1983 he moved to San Francisco to work for AIDS organizations and since 1985, under the pseudonym of Tim Hammond, he has researched circumcision customs and advocated for protecting childrens genital autonomy. He conducted two groundbreaking surveys of long-term harm to men from infant circumcision, co-founded the National Organization of Restoring Men, and produced Whose Body, Whose Rights? (a PBS documentary on circumcision), and co-founded the Childrens Health and Human Rights Partnership of Canada, as well as an activist group in Palm Springs, California, where he now lives.

Tim Hammond is a grassroots human rights activist who has been involved in numerous social change movements. As a teenager conscientiously opposed to fighting in Vietnam, he wrote copious letters to Congress urging an immediate end to the war.

Tim has been committed to Congressional passage of the U.S. Peace Tax Fund Bill, which would re-direct the military portion of one's taxes (currently 50% of every dollar spent by the U.S. government) toward life-sustaining human services. He was active in raising public consciousness about women's rights and the need for the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA).

In 1987 Tim was among hundreds of men and women arrested on the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court to protest its decision to uphold states' rights to legislate private sexual behavior among consenting adults in their own home (a decision the Court ultimately reversed in 2003). He was a member of the Children's Rights Network of Amnesty International/USA and a member of the National Organization on Male Sexual Victimization (now

From 2000 to 2007, Tim along with his long-time domestic partner Bernhard Vey advocated for the passage of the Permanent Partners Immigration Act (later renamed the Uniting American Families Act) to amend the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1954 to allow Americans to sponsor their foreign-born same-sex partners for immigration benefits.

1976-1983 - Member of Dignity-Integrity/Rochester, New York, a ministry to local Catholic and Episcopal gays, lesbians, their families and friends. He served in various volunteer capacities ranging from administrative assistant, newsletter editor, fundraiser, hotline volunteer, and special events coordinator.
1979 - Joined an estimated 200,000 participants at the National March on Washington for Lesbian & Gay Rights.
1980 - Interviewed on 'AM Rochester' by television host Matt Rinaldi, along with Sue Cowell, to discuss challenges facing Rochester's lesbian and gay community. Interviewed by Rochester radio stations about gays and the church (WPXY on 8-18-80 and WEZO on 09-21-80).
1981 - Families & Friends of Gays/Rochester, the local chapter of Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG).
1982 - Organizer of the first annual Day of Remembrance of gay/lesbian victims of the Holocaust.
1983 - Co-Founder of AIDS/Rochester, a service agency providing AIDS education and support services. Founding task force member of CREATE:Justice, a project of the Presbytery of the Genesee Valley to promote social justice issues affecting lesbians and gay men. Recipient of the Vinnie Cup, awarded annually by the Gay Alliance of the Genesee Valley for outstanding service to the Rochester (NY) lesbian and gay community.
1984-1987 - Administrative Assistant of the AIDS Health Project, an agency of the University of California/San Francisco providing psychosocial support to those with AIDS and at-risk of infection.
1987 - Joined an estimated 500,000 participants at the National March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights; volunteered as a quilt handler at the Inaugural Display of the Names Project AIDS Quilt on the Washington Mall; and was arrested with over 600 others in an act of civil disobedience by about 2,000 people on the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court to protest its 1986 ruling on a Georgia anti-sodomy law (Bowers v. Hardwick).
1989 - Co-founded the National Organization of Restoring Men (NORM), an international network of groups offering moral and technical support to men seeking foreskin restoration.
1992 - Founder of the National Organization to Halt the Abuse and Routine Mutilation of Males (NOHARMM), a non-violent, educational and direct-action network of men working together to end routine infant circumcision through a model of education and empowerment of other men.
1993 - Survey Coordinator of Awakenings: A Preliminary Poll of Circumcised Men, an ongoing grassroots investigation of the long-term adverse physical, sexual and psychological outcomes to men of infant circumcision.
1995 - Produced Whose Body, Whose Rights? A PBS documentary.
1999 - Author, A Preliminary Poll of Men Circumcised in Infancy or Childhood. British Journal of Urology International (83, Suppl. 1) January 1999, pp. 85-92.
2012 - Co-founded the Childrens Health and Human Rights Partnership of Canada with Kira Antinuk, BsN, Christopher Guest, M.D. and David Saving. CHHRP is Canada's first non-profit organization to deal exclusively with genital cutting of male, female and intersex children.
2013 - Interviewed in the documentary Shoulders to Stand On: The LGBT History of Rochester (NY), which traces that history from the 1940s to the 2010s. Tim appears in Chapter 12: Rochester Responds to AIDS. Open letter to the Canadian Paediatric Society about the Global Survey of Circumcision Harm (GSCH) findings of long-term adverse consequences to men from infant circumcision.
2014 - Interview included in the chapter titled 'His Body, His Choice' in the book 'Lost' Causes: Agenda Vetting in Global Issue Networks and the Shaping of Human Security.
2015 - Presented findings from the 2011 Global Survey of Circumcision Harm (GSCH) at the Symposium on Genital Autonomy: Myths and Multiple Standards in Frankfurt, Germany.
2016 - Presented findings from the 2011 Global Survey of Circumcision Harm (GSCH) at the 2016 International Conference on Men's Issues in London, England. Convenor of the International NGO Coalition on Genital Autonomy, produced a core report and country-specific supplementary reports to the U.N. Committee on the Rights of the Child regarding each country's compliance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child with regard to the bodily integrity of boys.
2017 - Lead author, Long-term adverse outcomes from neonatal circumcision reported in a survey of 1,008 men: An overview of health and human rights implications. International Journal of Human Rights March 2017, 21(02), pp. 189-218.
2018 - Recipient of the Anthony Mascioli Rainbow Dialogues Humanities Archival Recognition for documenting Rocheser (NY) LGBTQ history.
2020 - Author, A cut by any other name: a deep-dive interview with ethicist Brian D. Earp. Published two-part interview with ethicist Brian D. Earp discussing the intersectionality of genital autonomy for girls/boys/intersex children and the LGBTQI movement. Empty Closet (May 2020.
2021 - Named Honorary Member of the Brussels Collaboration on Bodily Integrity.
2022 - Founder and president of the Genital Autonomy Legal Defense and Education Fund to organize and train legal professionals to become more successful with impact litigation to secure the rights of children, particulary boys in the U.S., to bodily integrity and genital autonomy.
2023 - Lead author, Foreskin restorers: insights into motivations, successes, challenges, and experiences with medical and mental health professionals An abridged summary of key findings. International Journal of Impotence Research. Vol. 35, no. 3, pp 1-14.


2.0 Cubic Feet (4 boxes [2 record cartons, 1 newspaper box, 1 oversized box])

Language of Materials



This collection consists of the personal papers of Tim Sally, a grassroots LGBTQ+ and human rights activist originally from Rochester, New York. The materials date between 1956 and 2022, with the bulk of the materials dated between 1979 and 2016. The materials are comprised of personal documents, correspondence, newspaper clippings, periodicals, photographs, academic journal articles, ephemera, realia, audio/visual cassettes, and digital materials.


This collection consists of four boxes of physical materials and 293 MB of digitized materials divided into six series:

Series I: Personal Papers, 1956-2020

Series II: Gay Rights and Intactivism, 1979-2020

Subseries A: Gay Rights, 1979-2018, bulk: 1979-1993
Subseries B: Intactivism/NOHARMM, 1992-2020
Subseries C: Same-Sex Binational Couples and Tim and Bern's Immigration Struggle, 1999-2007
Subseries D: Second National March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights, 1987-1989, bulk 1987

Series III: Photographs, 1957-2022

Series IV: Audiovisual Materials, 1980, 1983

Series V: Awards and Realia, 1980-2017; bulk 1982-1989

Series VI: Ephemera and realia

Immediate Source of Acquisition

This collection was donated by Tim Sally to the Gay Alliance of the Genesee Valley (Out Alliance) on December 12, 2020. The Out Alliance, represented by Evelyn Bailey, donated the collection to the Local History and Genealogy Division on February 23, 2021.[Accession number 2024.305]. Tim Sally donated an additional collection of collection 14 photographic prints, 32 digital image file (14 being duplicates of the previously notes prints), and one audio cassette tape to the Local History and Genealogy Division in 2024 [Accession number 2024.359].


Tim Sally Papers
Ron Martin-Dent
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
Script of description
This project was made possible in part by a grant from the Documentary Heritage Program of the New York State Archives, a program of the State Education Department.

Repository Details

Part of the Local History & Genealogy Division Repository

115 South Ave.
Rochester 14604 USA
585-428-8353 (Fax)