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Susan B. Anthony Collection

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: 2014-039

Scope and Contents Note

Box 1 contains a group of letters written by Susan B. Anthony (1876-1905). During this time, Miss Anthony served as president of the National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA) (1892-1900), as well as assisting Ida Husted Harper in the preparation of the two-volume work, The Life and Work of Susan B. Anthony (1898). Some of the letters in this collection are concerned with her career; these include an endorsement of Carrie Chapman Catt as her successor as president of the NASA, and many letters to Lydia Avery Coonley Ward, who provided much financial backing. Other letters are concerned with the work of the Harper biography. The vast majority, however, are of a personal nature, and focus on family affairs, instruction to her housekeeper, etc. Correspondents include Mary S. Anthony, Annie Osbourne Anthony, Hannah Dickinson Boyles, George W. Aldridge, Fannie Rosenberg Bigelow, Anna E. Dann, Evangeline O’Connor, Lydia Coonley Ward, and May Wright Sewall.

Also in Box 1 is a collection of letters written by others (1838-1945). Included are letters from Carrie Chapman Catt, Miss Anthony’s father, her sisters, and fellow activists Lucy Stone and Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Box 2 contains transcripts of selected letters (1830-1904) as well as miscellaneous photostats and photocopies (1830-1906). Also included are publications (1859-1948) related to women’s suffrage, including reports of various women’s suffrage conventions and meetings; the 1874 petition of Miss Anthony to the Senate for the remission of the fine imposed on her for illegal voting; and the 1900 hearing before the Senate Committee on Woman Suffrage.

Boxes 3 and 4 contain miscellaneous memorabilia, ephemera, photographs, and autographs relating either to Miss Anthony or to the suffrage movement. Of special note is Miss Anthony’s press ticket for the 1876 United State International Exhibition, and her admission pass to the World’s Columbian Exposition held in 1893.

In addition, two oversize folders contain Miss Anthony’s certifications as manager of the State Industrial School (1892), and a 1906 Rochester Post-Express newspaper article published on the date of her death.


  • Creation: 1830-2006


There are no restrictions regarding access to this collection.


Permission to publish, reproduce, distribute, or use in any current or future manifestations must be obtained in writing from the Rochester Public Library Local History & Genealogy Division.


1.0 Cubic Feet (4 boxes, 2 OS folders)

Language of Materials



Susan Brownell Anthony (1820-1906) was an American reformer and advocate of woman’s rights. She crusaded for temperance and the abolition of slavery, but is best known for her work in the national woman’s suffrage movement, which culminated in the passage of the 19th Amendment to the constitution.

The collection contains correspondence and miscellaneous printed material dealing with Miss Anthony and the suffrage movement. The letters also deal with family and personal matters.


Letters written by Susan B. Anthony are arranged alphabetically by recipient's last name. If more than one letter was written to an individual, those letters are grouped together in chronological order. Letters addressed to organizations or associations are alphabetized by the name of the organization. Letters written to Anna Dann (Mason) and to Lydia Coonley (Ward) are grouped together under their maiden names.

Letters written by others are arranged alphabetically by author. If more than one letter was written by an individual, those letters are alphabetized by the recipient’s name, and then further arranged chronologically.

Typed copies of many of the letters in the collection are arranged chronologically in a separate folder.

Custodial History

This is an artificial collection whose origin and transfer history are unknown.

Physical Description


Processing Information

Rehoused and inventoried by Cheri Crist, May 2009.

Guide to the Susan B. Anthony Collection
Cheri Crist
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
Script of description
Code for undetermined script
Language of description note

Repository Details

Part of the Local History & Genealogy Division Repository

115 South Ave.
Rochester 14604 USA
585-428-8353 (Fax)