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Rochester public works photographic album leaves collection

 Unprocessed Material — Folder: 1
Identifier: 2018-010

Content Description

9 loose leaves from a scrapbook (scrapbooks?) of photographs of early twentieth century public works projects in the City of Rochester, New York.

Acquisition Type



Gift of Richard Halsey.

Restrictions Apply


Use Restrictions

Permission to publish, reproduce, distribute, or use in any current or future manifestations must be obtained in writing from the Rochester Public Library Local History & Genealogy Division.


  • Creation: 1913, 1918


.04 Cubic Feet (1 folder) ; 15 x 10 x 0.5 inches

9 Leaves (1 folder)

.04 Cubic Feet


Photo Album leaves (1913) index 543) NYC Bridge at Plymouth avenue facing north (July 11, 1913) 545) NYC Bridge at State street (July 11, 1913) 546) NYC Bridge at St. Paul street (July 11, 1913) 547) NYC Bridge at Clinton avenue (July 11, 1913) 581) St. Paul street, facing north from Mortimer street (Aug 12, 1913) 582) St. Paul street, facing north from Andrews street (Aug 12, 1913) 583) St. Paul street, facing north from Smith street crossover (Aug 12, 1913) 584) St. Paul street, facing north from Hart street (Aug 12, 1913) 594) Exchange street, facing north from Troup street (Aug 12, 1913) 595) Exchange street old style paving (Aug 12, 1913) 596) Court street bridge, facing from Lehigh Valley Station (Aug 12, 1913) 597) South avenue, facing north from Osburn House Hotel (Aug 12, 1913 614) West Main street, facing east from west of Four Corners (Aug 13, 1913) 615) West Main street, facing west from Plymouth avenue (Aug 13, 1913) 616) West avenue east, facing from King street (Aug 13, 1913) 617) Caledonia avenue, facing north from Adam street (Aug 13, 1913) 643) State street, facing north from Corinthian street (Aug 14, 1913) 644) State street, facing north from Jay street (Aug 14, 1913) 645) State street, facing north from Platt street (Aug 14, 1913) 646) Lake avenue, facing north from Lyell avenue (Aug 14, 1913) 1529) [Ford street Bridge, under construction, 1918] 1533) [Ford street Bridge, under construction, 1918] 1534) [Ford street Bridge, under construction, 1918] 1535) [Ford street Bridge, under construction, 1918] 2128) [Ford street Bridge, under construction, 1918] 2129) [Court St. Bridge and Lehigh Valley Railroad Station, Osburn House Hotel in background, 1918] 2196) [Ford street Bridge, under construction, 1918] 2197) [Ford street Bridge, under construction, 1918] 2124) [Ford street Bridge, under construction, 1918] 2125) [Ford street Bridge, under construction, 1918] 2126) [Ford street Bridge, under construction, 1918] 2127) [Ford street Bridge, under construction, 1918]