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Series X: Tim Sally, 1978-1985

 Series — Box: 2

Scope and Contents

This series documents the activities of Tim Sally, Rochester, New York based LBGTQ activist. The majority of the material is related to Sally's campaign efforts to elect Tim O. Mains as a Rochester City Council member and includes newspaper articles, correspondence, speeches, campaign materials, and correspondence. Other topics include pamphlets and flyers for gay rights organizations and projects such as, churches position on the LGBTQ community, HIV/AIDS, and a pamplet for teens thinking about coming out to their parents.


  • Other: 1978-1985

Conditions Governing Access

There are no restrictions regarding access to or use of this series.

Conditions Governing Use

Copyright is held by the Rochester Public Library. Copyright of the papers may be held by the authors', or authors' heirs or assigns. Researchers must obtain written permission of the holder[s] of copyright and the Rochester Public Library before publishing quotations from materials in the collection. Most papers may be copied in accordance with the library's usual procedures unless otherwise specified.

Biographical Note

Born and raised in Rochester, Tim Sally was active in the 1970’s and 1980’s with Dignity-Integrity, and was a co-founding member of PFLAG/Rochester and AIDS/ Rochester. In 1983 he moved to San Francisco to work for AIDS organizations and since 1985, under the pseudonym of Tim Hammond, he has researched circumcision customs and advocated for protecting children’s genital autonomy. He conducted two groundbreaking surveys of long-term harm to men from infant circumcision, co-founded the National Organization of Restoring Men, and produced ‘Whose Body, Whose Rights? (a PBS documentary on circumcision), and co-founded the Children’s Health and Human Rights Partnership of Canada, as well as an activist group in Palm Springs, California, where he now lives.

Tim Hammond is a grassroots human rights activist who has been involved in numerous social change movements. As a teenager conscientiously opposed to fighting in Vietnam, he wrote copious letters to Congress urging an immediate end to the war.

Tim has been committed to Congressional passage of the U.S. Peace Tax Fund Bill, which would re-direct the military portion of one's taxes (currently 50% of every dollar spent by the U.S. government) toward life-sustaining human services. He was active in raising public consciousness about women's rights and the need for the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA).

In 1987 Tim was among hundreds of men and women arrested on the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court to protest its decision to uphold states' rights to legislate private sexual behavior among consenting adults in their own home (a decision the Court ultimately reversed in 2003).He was a member of the Children's Rights Network of Amnesty International/USA and a member of the National Organization on Male Sexual Victimization (now

1976-1983 - Member of Dignity-Integrity/Rochester, New York, a ministry to local Catholic and Episcopal gays, lesbians, their families and friends. He served in various volunteer capacities ranging from administrative assistant, newsletter editor, fundraiser, hotline volunteer, and special events coordinator.
1981 - Co-founding member of PFLAG (Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays).
1982 - Organizer of the first annual Day of Remembrance of gay/lesbian victims of the Holocaust.
1983 - Co-founder of AIDS Rochester.
1983 - Recipient of the Vinnie Cup, awarded annually by the Gay Alliance of the Genesee Valley for outstanding service to the Rochester (NY) lesbian and gay community.
1983 - Founding task force member of CREATE: Justice, a project of the Presbytery of the Genesee Valley to promote social justice issues affecting lesbians and gay men.
1984-1987 - Administrative Assistant of the AIDS Health Project, an agency of the University of California/San Francisco providing psychosocial support to those with AIDS and at-risk of infection.
1989 - Co-founded the National Organization of Restoring Men (NORM), an international network of groups offering moral and technical support to men seeking foreskin restoration.
1992 - Founder of the National Organization to Halt the Abuse and Routine Mutilation of Males (NOHARMM), a non-violent, educational and direct-action network of men working together to end routine infant circumcision through a model of education and empowerment of other men.
1993 - Survey Coordinator of Awakenings: A Preliminary Poll of Circumcised Men, an ongoing grassroots investigation of the long-term adverse physical, sexual and psychological outcomes to men of infant circumcision.
1995 - Produced Whose Body, Whose Rights? A PBS documentary.
1999 - Author, A Preliminary Poll of Men Circumcised in Infancy or Childhood. British Journal of Urology International (83, Suppl. 1) January 1999, pp. 85-92.
2012 - Co-founded the Children’s Health and Human Rights Partnership of Canada with Kira Antinuk, BsN, Christopher Guest, M.D. and David Saving. CHHRP is Canada's first non-profit organization to deal exclusively with genital cutting of male, female and intersex children.
2015 - Presented findings from the 2011 Global Survey of Circumcision Harm (GSCH) at the Symposium on Genital Autonomy: Myths and Multiple Standards in Frankfurt, Germany.
2016 - Discussed the findings from the 2011 Global Survey of Circumcision Harm (GSCH) as a guest of Stefan Molyneux on his popular YouTube channel.
2016 - Presented findings from the 2011 Global Survey of Circumcision Harm (GSCH) at the International Conference on Men's Issues in London, England.
2017 - Lead author, Long-term adverse outcomes from neonatal circumcision reported in a survey of 1,008 men: An overview of health and human rights implications. International Journal of Human Rights March 2017, 21(02), pp. 189-218.

Please visit to view a regularly updated CV on Tim Hammond


From the Collection: 3 Cubic Feet (2 record cartons, 1 legal size document case, 2 boxes)

Language of Materials



This series consist of papers collected by Tim Sally, a Rochester, New York based LBGTQ activist. The materials date between 1978 and 1985. The materials consist of pamphlets, newspaper clippings, correspondence, flyer, and speeches.


Hammond, Tim. “Tim Hammond.” Global Survey of Circumcision Harm. Accessed December 21, 2017.

Jordan, Susan. “On Circumcision: The First of Two Interviews with Intactivist Tim Sally.” The Empty Closet 505, October 2016.

Repository Details

Part of the Local History & Genealogy Division Repository

115 South Ave.
Rochester 14604 USA
585-428-8353 (Fax)